Marvin's Mysterious Monster
By Michael Yu
"Marvin's Mysterious Monster" was pretty cute. Marvin is going to bed when he sees a monster hiding in his closet, and he dresses up like a superhero to fight it off. It ends up being only a teddy bear, and Marvin goes to sleep safe and sound. I like how it ended - I was expecting it to be the dog or something hiding in the closet, but I thought the teddy bear was sweet. There are just enough words on the page and they're clear and easy to understand, however, I didn't like the format. The pictures and words were on separate pages, which would be fine in a hard copy, but on the Kindle, you can't see both at the same time. This is only a minor issue in a great book, and it certainly won't keep me from reading it to the kids, it's just a pet peeve of mine. Otherwise, it's a good read.
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